Aromatherapy as we know it today was accidentally discovered in 1910 by a French chemist named Rene-Maurice Gattefosse. After burning his hand during an experiment in a perfume factory, he plunged it into a vat of Lavender essential oil, and was amazed at how quickly and well his hand later healed. Thus modern aromatherapy was born. The use of aromatic plants in healing and medicine can be traced back to thousands of years BC however, and evidence of the use of essential oils has even been found in Egyptian tombs and hieroglyphics.

The practice of aromatherapy harnesses the healing properties of aromatic plants and trees in the form of essential oils which are extracted from the leaves, flowers, stems, bark and roots. The extracted oils are highly concentrated, but when diluted they are suitable for use in baths, oil burners, massage oils, creams, lotions and sprays.

Aromatherapy is an extremely effective treatment for stress, as there are a number of oils which have sedating, relaxing and uplifting properties. The connection between smell and emotion is very strong, and breathing in pleasant smells triggers positive reactions in the brain which creates a sense of well being. This therapeutic effect works in addition to the healing properties of the oils.

Essential oils should not be taken internally but should be absorbed into the body either through inhalation or through the skin. There are a number of oils available which are used to treat stress and its symptoms, and there is a wide variety of ways in which oils can be used.

Probably the most relaxing method to experience aromatherapy is in the form of a massage by a qualified aromatherapist, however there are plenty of benefits to be had by practicing aromatherapy at home. Good quality essential oils can be purchased from reputable suppliers such as drugstores, natural health stores and specialist web sites. Do not buy cheap low quality oils as these are usually synthetically produced, and whilst they may smell the same, they contain none of the therapeutic benefits of the plant.

Oils such as Bergamot, Neroli, Frankincense, Geranium, Ylang-Ylang and Sandalwood are very safe, and will induce relaxation and lift your mood. Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Jasmine, Marjoram and Clary Sage have the same effect, but these oils should not be used if you are pregnant. You should avoid using any essential oils in the first trimester of pregnancy without taking advice from a doctor or a qualified aromatherapist.

You can use essential oils on their own or blended with one or two other oils for maximum effect. If you are using them on the skin they should always be diluted in a carrier oil such as Sunflower or Sweet Almond. Ways that you can use essential oils at home include:

Baths. Fill the bathtub with warm (not hot) water, then dilute 4 – 6 drops of essential oil in a little vegetable oil or milk, and add to the water. Close the door so that the vapours don’t escape, and soak for at least ten minutes.

Oil Burner. Add 2tbsp warm water to the oil burner and then add 3 – 6 drops of essential oil. Light the candle underneath, and the heat will disperse the oils into the air.

Lamp Ring. Place a couple of drops of essential oil onto a lamp ring, and place the ring on a light bulb. The heat from the light bulb will cause the oils to disperse into the air.

Room Sprays. Use a new plant sprayer, and add warm but not boiling water. Add the essential oil (4 drops per ½ pint water) and shake before use. Spray into the air, but avoid spraying onto surfaces and fabric which are likely to stain.

Massage. For massage, the essential oils must be diluted in a carrier oil such as Sunflower, Sweet Almond or Grapeseed. You will probably need around 7-10 teaspoons of carrier oil for a full body massage, so add 1 drop of essential oil per teaspoon of carrier oil. Mix well and apply to the skin with long sweeping strokes, always massaging towards the heart.

Using aromatherapy oils at home should not be taken lightly. The essential oils mentioned here are very safe, but some oils can present hazards if not properly used. If you are in any doubt, always consult a qualified aromatherapist.

You should bear in mind the following guidelines before using essential oils:

Never use undiluted oils directly on the skin

Always seek professional advice from a medical practitioner or qualified aromatherapist if you have sensitive skin, are prone to allergic reactions, are pregnant or breast feeding, have a medical condition or are taking anticoagulant drugs.

Seek advice from a qualified aromatherapist before using oils on children.

Avoid alcohol when using essential oils.

Avoid exposure to the sun if you have used essential oils on the skin.

Always keep essential oils out of the reach of children.

Healthy Homes | Avoiding Indoor Pollution
9:31 AM | Author: puthra

There is a lot of talk in recent years about the concept of a "sick building". Obviously, buildings don't get sick. What this term refers to is a buildings ability to make its residents sick. This can happen for a variety of reason, but generally it all boils down to indoor air pollution which some people have allergic reactions to. The amount of indoor pollution depends on the materials a home is constructed with and how much ventilation it has.

I am not a doctor by any means, and have no idea why more and more people are having allergic reactions to their homes. But if you are a sensitive type, or have a compromised immune system, it might be a good idea to give some thought to avoiding sources of indoor pollution.

Some indoor air pollution comes from heating systems. Furnace ducts can become dusty or even moldy. When air blows through them it can spread mite feces and mold spores throughout the home. As disgusting as this sounds it is actually quite common. Ducts should be cleaned at least once a year, or anytime you notice a feeling of stuffed up sinuses whenever your furnace is on.

Laminate flooring, counter tops and cupboards can be the source of some problems as well. Formaldehyde and adhesives used to preserve and hold together particle or fiber-board can gas-off toxic fumes. These fumes can result in headaches and an overall weakened immune system. New carpets often produce these fumes, as well as harboring more dust than other floors. To avoid these fumes, choose natural flooring such as wood or tile, install tile or granite counters, and look for cupboards made of real wood instead of pressed-board.

There are a lot of chemical additives that are used to treat things like upholstery fabrics. If you find yourself getting head-aches ever since you got new living-room furniture and drapes, it could be from the flame retardant and stain resistant chemicals that these products are often treated with. Some manufacturers are now choosing safer, less toxic flame-retardants, and if you suspect you are sensitive, it might be best to look for these alternatives.

If you are planning to paint your home, look for low VOC paints. VOC stands for volatile organic compounds, toxic chemicals which, again, can gas-off into the air. Low VOC paints are just that, paints made with few or no toxic compounds.

Sometimes, the building materials mentioned above are hard to avoid. In cases like this, ventilation may help. If you are moving into a brand-new home, try to give the home some time to release all its gasses before you move right in. Leave the doors and windows open as often as possible. Keep a fan on even when you aren't there. If you feel like you need extra help, look into the variety of air purifying devices available. These measures will help minimize the amount of indoor air pollution in your home.

New Energy Medicine | Cancer
10:04 PM | Author: puthra

Einstein, a genius scientist of the 20th century, and central to the new energy physics, stated that ‘a problem cannot be solved by the same mind set that created it’. Cancer is a case in point. Cancer is a dis-ease that stems partly from the products of the mechanistic, anthropomorphic and exploitative philosophy at the heart of our culture, which we tend to ignore. Its effective treatment demands that we see ourselves in a different way and act accordingly.

Medicine is extremely slow to move from a mechanistic and physical philosophy to a more energetic model, like the Gaian paradigm that values all life forms as connected. A philosophy of medicine that is over-reliant on logic and limited mainly to drugs and surgery is fundamental flawed. Acts of logic always rely on analysis, that is breaking down a ‘whole’ into its constituent parts, and examining each minutely. Reductionist approaches fail to see the connectivity and relatedness of all things. As a result this philosophy is offering us ‘cures’ to cancer that are often as dangerous and destructive as the disease itself.

Nobel prize-winner Carlo Rubbia maintains that only a billionth of the world is actually made of matter and the rest is made of energy. The new sciences are challenging the way we perceive the world and as a result the way we relate to our bodies. Dr. K. Scott-Mumby is author of Virtual Medicine and an allergy specialist in the UK writes:

"Science is proving that we exist as regulated and informed energy. Disease can now be redefined as a disruption, cessation or distortion in the information and energy fields. Its time for medical practitioners to join the party".

Classical science has reached the end of what it can explain in reductionist terms. Issues such as whether light is a particle or a wave, or whether or not water has a memory (an issue central to the ‘proof’ of homeopathy), are moving modern science to a quantum level that deals with fields of energy. Medical science is still stuck in a very physical universe, where the objective is to ‘excise the lump’ almost regardless of where it came from and individual conditions of the patient and their experiences.

New sciences such as the chaos theories point a way forward into handling the complexities of whole systems that work together, in synergy. Unfortunately our medical systems and practises are still too often based on philosophy formulated in medieval times.

Because all interventions in a medical process have to been ‘proven’ as workable (using scientific double-blind testing methods) before doctors will recognise their validity (if they then do the research), medical science mostly marginalises or ignores healing alternatives that can provide only ‘anecdotal evidence’. Multiple simultaneous treatments of different types and ‘levels’ tuned for one patient are un-testable by a reductionist philosophy and therefore ignored by mainstream medicine. In addition to this regulatory pressures force researchers and companies to test their drugs on patients with advanced cancer - when the dis-ease is much more difficult to treat and when the chances of success are modest - this means that potentially useful treatments are discarded as worthless.

Traditional research methodology, or ‘quantitative research’ is central to science and other methodologies are not usually acceptable. ‘Qualitative research’ is equally, if not more important at the present time in reference to cancer. Other medical systems, such as Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine, Homeopathy or Naturopathy use far subtler tools in both diagnosis and treatment. They are based on seeing the patient as a whole being and often use multiple interventions on several levels, simultaneously in the treatment of dis-ease. Because they work at the level of an individual patient, and from a different philosophy of medicine, it is almost impossible to analyse them with the tools of reductionist science.

Our present rash of immune attacking diseases calls for a different kind of response than just drugs and surgery. A new medicine that combines established scientific excellence with traditional, alternative and natural treatments is needed. One that recognises humans as feeling, vibrant, energetic, spiritual beings as well as physical and mental. There are dramatic developments in the treatment of cancer using energy systems, but information on this is actually suppressed. There is a movement towards an integrated medicine as more orthodox practitioners are starting to join in, led mostly by their patients.

From an energy point of view, when the human body is weak or unbalanced it oscillates at different frequencies than when it is healthy. This less harmonious frequency shows a state of cellular, energetic imbalance in the body. The physical body that is weakened in this way often needs help to shift to the needed frequency, which strengthens the immune system.

Some experienced medical doctors can make an intuitive diagnosis based on experience and can sometimes tell in a second or so what ails their patient. Posture, skin condition, nail, teeth and tongue all give clues, but experienced doctors may also intuitively pick up clues about their patients from energy and vibrational levels in a similar way to a gardener tending plants or a wild animal hunting its prey.

But modern doctors simply do not have the time for the level of attention given in many complementary and alternative therapies. This is one of the reasons alternatives are more popular than ever. Professional detachment is an essential part of the doctors’ repertoire and it protects them in part from the huge amount of need they encounter in day to day work.

Given the track record of orthodox medical science into whole person medicine, it may well be another 200 years or so before it is able to assimilate the new quantum sciences in relation to the human body. For those people with cancer now, there are a deliberately limited range of options available from orthodox medicine.

What Is Herbal Medicine | Is It Safe?
10:47 PM | Author: puthra

Herbal medicine is the use of plant and herb extracts for their therapeutic value. Most plants contain and produce chemical substances that aid in healing and other physical treatments.

Herbal medicine is the oldest form of healthcare and constitutes a key role in the development of modern medicine as we know it today. Back when technology was still unheard of, primitive men utilised the vast flora around them to the fullest extent, observing both plant and animal life and their components, eventually giving birth to herbal medicine. In a study by the World Health Organization on herbal medicine use, about 80% of the world's populace still rely on herbal medicine to cure certain ailments and about 74% of the drugs we use today contain at least one botanical element. For instance, Chinese Herbal Medicine's use of ephedrine to cure respiratory conditions still exists in the present time. Ephedrine remains an active ingredient in most of the commercial drugs that are being prescribed to relieve asthma symptoms.

Herbal medicine is defined by three schools of thought: Ayurvedic Herbalism, Traditional Chinese Herbalism and Western Herbal Medicine. While both Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal medicine have moved on to advanced forms, western herbal medicine remains a part of folk treatments. Herbal medicine is, first and foremost, holistic. It aims to address not just a particular symptom, but also to help the whole body rejuventate strengthen itself. And while there is no scientific evidence that all herbal medicines claiming to have healing powers are actually effective, the number the herbal medicines that have been placed under clinical testing have proved their worth. The list of known kinds includes echinacea, which is used to temper colds, St John's wort, used to treat mild depression (without using Prozac), and hawthorne berries, which help in the recovery process from mild heart failures.

Is herbal medicine a direct substitute to modern medication? It depends. While herbal medicines are extracted naturally from plants, not all are safe to use; particularly if they are taken with other types of treatments that may not be complementary. Also, herbal medicine is often used only for mild ailments. If the symptoms are more serious, it is best to consult a trained practitioner of herbal medicine who can tell you which ones are appropriate and recommend dosage levels and frequency. Presently, most of the recommended herbal medicines fall outside of standard drug regulations, thus, not all of their claims to fame are guaranteed and true. And even as common sense tells us that herbal medicine has been around for thousand of years, giving an impression that it is quite an authority, it is not recommended to self-diagnose.

Always keep in mind that herbal medicines are still medicines and, therefore, share the likelihood of having side effects as regular commercial drugs. Some of us have this misconception that because herbal medicines are natural, they are 100% safe. This is not true all the time. The best defense against the possible side effects herbal medicines might give is to educate ourselves with the basics on the herbal medicine in question and to use it with caution.

Alternative Treatment | For Cancer
11:51 PM | Author: puthra

Cancer is an excessive growth of unwanted cells in our body. These excess growth of cells consume a lot of glucose found in the blood and starve the organs that need glucose. Cancer cells release toxic substances that interrupt the normal functioning of the other healthy organs. Hence cancer has to be treated immediately.

Although there are many treatments available to treat cancer, many people prefer alternative medicines for treating cancer as it has many advantages when compared to the other types of treatments for cancer and it has minimal side effects. Herbal and immunology therapies are the common form that is followed. Following a healthy food habit during alternative treatments for cancer would help to fight cancer at a faster rate. Foods like Hazel nuts, tomatoes, blue berries, and Brazil nuts can be taken when undergoing treatments for cancer.

Brazil nuts have anti-cancer properties and hence they find their place in alternative treatments for cancer. It is found that selenium is found at higher levels in Brazil nuts. Selenium is used to fight against cancer. Vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy growth of the cells. Essiac Tea has anti-cancer properties and is used in the alternative treatments for cancer. Echinacea Angustifolia root is best in its anti-cancer properties and to boost the immune system.

Beta glucan is a cancer alternative medicine that is used to fight against all types of cancer.

This cancer alternative medicine is derived from baker’s yeast, oat and barley fiber, and many medicinal mushrooms, such as maitake.Beta glucan as a it improves the immune system to fight against any type of cancer. It is believed that a weak immune system is responsible for cancerous growth in our body.

Laetrile is also used as one of the alternative treatment for cancer since it works on all types of cancer. Tumor related pains are relieved by the usage of laetrile. Laetrile can be taken as intravenous or orally. If intravenous the dosage should be 6 gms and if oral it should be 3 gms per day. Emulsified vitamin A is usually added as a supplement to laetrile. MGN-3, a medication that produces the natural killer cells in our body is also used in the treatment of cancer.

Quantum Biology and Its Uses | Aromatherapy
10:42 AM | Author: puthra

Bel’Air has brought in cutting edge medical technology from Europe and America, in the form of “Quantum Xrriod C.I System”, to allow distributors to understand their health conditions using the most advanced medical therapeutic method. Without the use of computation segmentation and test strips, you can have access to more than 300 health statistics for your body within a few seconds, such as stomach problems, extent of toxins within the body, immunity functions, etc. You do not even need to go through blood tests or X-rays; all you need is to place your head, hands and feet on the device and it will be able to test for any abnormalities pertaining to liver functions, cancerous signs, spinal construction, etc. Professional medical practitioners will also advise you on the kind of Bel’Air essential oil to use to create the most accurate and effective medical therapy results.

The Functional Properties of the Quantum Xxroid Consciousness Interfaces

The “Quantum Xxroid Consciousness Interface” (QXCI) is a high-speed biofeedback system designed by renowned quantum biology expert Professor William Nelson, using quantum physics and chaos mathematics as solid theoretical base. Its 20 years of experimental validation is enhanced by recent practical assessment in Europe and America.

The Use of QXCI in Bel’Air Aromatherapy

The areas covered by the QXCI include the nervous system, the spinal energy level, the lymphatic system, the digestive system, the immune system, mental and emotional condition, basic energy level, body fitness, organ retardation scan, allergy scan, nutritional condition test, tonic products test, etc. We can use Quantum Xxroid biofeedback to develop a full understanding of all kinds of ailments that affect the body. Coupled with advice from professional medical staff, the device is able to match essential oil properties with our body conditions, using Bel’Air essential oils as the recommended remedy to improve our physiques, emotions and mental health.

QXCI has the following unique features:

Speed: Coupled with high-speed computation, it extends the original speed of human bio-response (1/100 second) to the maximum. This also means that in the ideal situation (when the diagnosis subject has normal biofeedback), the device can feedback data at a speed of 100 parts in one second, complete 8600 components of diagnosis in 3 seconds and instantly relay the results of the diagnosis.

Accuracy: Uses numerous practical examination results as comparison, such as comparing subjects that produce positive response to test for bacteria and virus infection with the diagnosis of the device for the respective infection, or comparing subjects identified as having high uric acid in the blood stream through blood test with diagnosis using the device. These statistical averages have proved that alignment is as high as 90% (including medicinal test results).

Safety: The health agencies of technologically advanced countries in Europe and America including the US, Canada, Germany, Britain and Hungary have approved its use having vetted its usage safety.

Effectiveness: More and more journals have strongly advocated the use of devices to support many kinds of special therapeutic methods such as nervous system energy balance, electronic acupuncture, organ system auto meridian therapy, colour therapy, music therapy, linguistic therapy, detoxication function, plant frequency reproduction function, using artificial intelligence feedback to complete the Chakra balance of the human body, brainwave balance function and nervous linguistic procedural therapy, etc. It serves to attain effective energy balance.

Objectivity: The operator of the device does not come into direct contact with the test patient, reducing possible human errors incurred during treatment in traditional acupuncture due to differences in applied pressure, accuracy of position, moisture of skin and the experience and knowledge of the practitioner. The use of the device is highly objective and has removed the imperfections of previous acupuncture devices.
Versatility: The device can be used for research purposes, individual health, promotion of preventive medicine, physiological adjustment, diagnosis of slow-progress illnesses and all kinds of medical therapy.

Understanding | Massage Therapy
3:26 AM | Author: puthra
We've all heard of massage and many of us have even experienced it, in one form or another. By a masseuse who happened to be an amature, loved one or professional. If the person knew what they were doing, you came away feeling like a million bucks. But what is massage, really!

Massage or massage therapy as it has come to be known in our time, began with the ancient Egyptians, then the Greeks and finally the Romans. Yes these ancient cultures used massage therapy for both healing and pleasure. The science of massage therapy had also spread to other early cultures such as India, China and Japan. The last three went further by integrating it to form an integral part of their systems of medicine and healing.

Massage is the organized form of touch. It is performed by the hands, elbows and forearms gliding over the skin and applying pressure to the underlying muscles by a system of movements. These movements involve stroking, rubbing, pressing and kneading. Massage is not a panacea, but can greatly aid in the normal functions of the body and restore balance as well.

How Massage Works

Massage works by the body responding to the various touch techniques given to it. These touch techniques causes the body to engage in there normal functions. Massage itself, acts like a natural stimuli for the body to respond with positive effects in many different ways. Some of these therapeutic effects are, stimulating the circulation of the blood and lymph, loosening of muscular tension, toning and firming the muscles.

When fibers stop sliding over each other easily, it's most likely the cause of people not getting enough exercise, too much exercise, physical or mental tension. These factors cause the drop of any increase in muscle tone. The waste products from muscular activity, like carbon dioxide, lactic acid and urea, build up in the muscles. Massage therapy fosters drainage of those wastes, therefore restoring there normal functions.

Massage therapy also fosters the drainage of lymph, causing better circulation of the blood. Because of this, the skin looks much better than if drainage was difficult. Why bother with the how the skin looks? Because the appearance of the skin, is usually a good indicator of a persons inner condition. In reference to muscles, massage therapy has a good effect on the fibrous tissue surrounding the joints.

The effects of massage upon the autonomic nervous system gives birth to the feeling of relaxation. How? By stimulating the sensory nerve endings located within the skin, signals are sent to the brain by the central nervous system. This in turn produces the experience of feeling good. Once again because of this action, a new reaction takes place by causing a significant reduction in the body's stress level. When a person is relaxed, abdominal breathing becomes more natural. I can assure you, your abdominal organs appreciate this. It's quite clear that the nervous system plays a crucial role in massage therapy. It's also responsible for the vascular system, since it controls it. A decrease in efficient drainage and supply of blood, is caused by a reduction of vascular.

Massage works by reducing stress, managing the body's waste products, fostering normal bodily functions, providing a sense of well being and boosting mental health.

The Logic of Massage

The gradual development of massage therapy into a full blown art and science can be determined as only logical. When we fall, bruise or sustain any sort of physical injury, we usually tend to touch it. Even if that act produces no form of healing solution, or does it? Touch in itself is very comforting to us. It reassures us, make us feel loved and accepted. Whenever someone is in pain, we tend to want to hug, hold or touch that person in someway. Somehow sensing that the very act of physical contact will contribute to the overall holistic health of the person. Guess what? You are correct in that assumption.

Studies have shown that, touching among other comforting and intimate contact, does assist in the overall recovery and health of a person. Whether that person is in need of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual healing or comfort. In looking at the big picture, I see massage therapy continuing to play an important role in human history for a long time to come. What are you waiting for, join the minions.

Alternative Health Supplements
4:16 PM | Author: puthra

Your health is your most valuable asset, and must be protected. Alternative health supplements can help you do this. Made from herbs and other natural components, these supplements have enabled millions of users to rejuvenate their health and quality of life.

In the present fast-paced world, problems like high blood pressure, stress and tension occur at a very early age. As an aftermath of these, one not only faces physical strain but also loss in terms of beauty and performance. Alternative health supplements offer a natural way of keeping all these ailments at bay, in an extremely easy manner. Harnessing the therapeutic qualities of herbs and natural extracts, these supplements come in form of pills, capsules, syrups or powders and offer simple, healthy therapy.

The concept of shedding those extra pounds by simply popping a pill, or looking younger by simply drinking a syrup, has revolutionized the medicinal world. Health-conscious people are buying these supplements in large numbers. With no time to indulge in traditional therapies, these supplements are becoming an ideal option for people yearning for a healthier life style.

Alternative health supplements are available in varying compositions for different applications, age groups and sexes. Though there is evidence that they are harmless, it is still wise to consult a doctor before you take them. Some of the advantages of alternative supplements include their effectiveness, natural ingredients, lack of side effects and ease of use.

These supplements are largely sold over the Internet. Products sold online come with various discount offers and schemes to lure customers. Giving unprecedented impetus to the medicinal world, these supplements are increasingly become a part of everyday life.